Jesus walked the earth for three years and
during this time, he taught, related with people, performed miracles etc. But what was closest to His heart was
teaching the Word of God to His disciples, and the people of Israel. One of His important principle is “know the
truth and the truth will set you free”.
Believers depended on God for a victorious
Christian life. Believers who are taught
the Word of God and live according to His commands are able to cast away evils.
Jesus’ teaching were recorded in the four
Gospels. These contained important
principles. Matthew 5, 6, 7 contain
twenty areas regarding Christian living, e.g He taught about marriage, divorce,
adultery, prayers.
The Sermon on the Mount was carried out at
a hill called Mount Eremos. No one knew
the eact location, but Eremos was most likely it as it was located near the Sea
of Galilee.
The first topic of the Sermon on the Mount
was “The Beatitude”.
English word – Beatitude
French word – Beatitude
Latin word – Beautitudo
Basically this means “Blessed”.
Jesus was telling us how we are to live but
not so much about obeying Him to gain material wealth.
“Blessed are the meek for they will inherit
the earth”. This Beatitude is teaching
us to be humble and God will reward us letting us “inherit the earth”. He let us inherit the earth which contains
numerous resources. God Words are
certain, they are not about “luck”, this word is not in God’ vocabulary. Why does God wants to bless us? Because He has greater purposes for us. He wanted us to be His ambassadors.
witness to the world
Old Testament : God used the nation of Israel to speak to
the world.
New Testament : God used the church to
speak to the world.
The Influencing Power of a Blessed People
You are the salt of the world
Salt is valuable
Use as a form of currency
Greek slave traders used salt to exchange
for slaves
Roman soldiers were paid in salt or
salarium ( the word “salary” is derived from this word ).
are precious and valuable; they contribute positively to the wellbeing of human
Salt is a preserving agent
Salt was used to preserve foods from decay.
are like salt; they possess the preserving characteristic and exert an
influence on the culture and work ethics.
Salt adds flavour to food
Food taste better with an addition of a
pinch of salt.
are like salt; their presence on earth brings out the pleasantness of life.
warning of our Lord Jesus
…But if the salt loses its saltiness, how
can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be
thrown out and trampled underfoot.
(Mat 5:13)
Christians lose their godly character and Christ-likeness, they will not have
any more influence on the society and its culture; and they become good for
You are the light of the world
This is one of the titles Jesus claimed for
It is a great compliment and a great
responsibility for Christians to be given this title.
We cannot shoulder this responsibility by
our own strength.
A Christian community is like a
town built on a hill that cannot be hidden.
To illustrate that Christians are the light
of the world, Bro. Gan told the story of Praise church, Taman Medan in Petaling
Jaya. Not too long ago the majority
people in that area demanded that the church Cross be taken down. In order not to create trouble, the church
complied. However, in this negative
situation in fact the name of Christ was proclaimed. In this instant, Christians are the light of
the world.
Christians are like a lamp put
on a lampstand to give light to others.
are to be conspicuous so that other people may see their good works and glorify
the name of God.
Means of Shinning God’s Light
Reveal our Christian identity
in our work place.
Make a stand on events that
contradict Biblical principles.
Be an exemplary worker.
“I have not come to abolish the Law but to fulfil them”
Jesus lived his life in full
obedience to all the laws.
He paid the penalty for us, who
broke the Law, by dying on the cross.
We piggyback on Jesus to enter
the kingdom of Heaven.
D) Christ’s death is the end of the ceremonial laws, but not the moral
Salvation by grace does not
give us the licence to sin
We are saved to do good works
and to uphold the laws of God
Jesus gives a strong word of
caution not to neglect the commands of God
Obedience to the moral laws and New
Testament teachings empower us to be the guardian of morality on earth.
Our Roles
Role 1 – Be the salt of the world
Role 2 – Be the light of the world
Role 3 – Be doers of the Word and laws of