Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Peter Truong Healing Ministry dated 8.6.14

Peter Truong Healing Ministry dated 8.6.14
Pastor Peter Truong is an international evangelist from Hope Church, Brisbane, Australia.  Peter and his wife Ruth specialize in healing.  This is not the first time here for Peter, but for Ruth this is her first time in Kuching.
Pastor Peter ministered to our church about two years ago.  During his time here he also ministered in churches in Kuching.
You can read more about him and his ministry at this link : http://www.petertruong.org/
Worship and healing session
8th June (Sunday) 2014 was devoted to worship as well as healing service.  Pastor Peter shared some Words and devoted his and his wife’s time to prayers, worship as well as healing. The format he adopted of worship cum healing had been effective.  The congregation felt spiritually connected and felt the presence of God as worship went on at the same time prayers for healing took place.
Pastor Peter encouraged the members of our church to pray for members or visitors who needed healing.  This is because he believes all Christians are empowered to heal.  He humbly noted that he is only one of the instruments.
Videos of healing
Pastor Peter presented two video testimonies of healing.  Cynthia Tang healed and able to walk,  and Veronica’s cyst disappeared after prayers.  You can watch some of these videos on his website in the above link.
Words for the congregation
Before Pastor Peter share the Word, he and his wife went around to the congregation and shared words of discernment and knowledge on individuals.  These had been very encouraging to our congregation and members who have been prayed for.
Church members’ testimonies
Pastor Peter interviewed several members who have received healing.
Sister Sarah
Sister Sarah had undergone brain surgery several years ago.  As a result her right ear when deaf.  Jist three weeks ago she when for a medical check-up and the doctor confirmed the state of her deafness on the right ear.  On Thursday night during a Life Group ministry time, Sister Sarah had been prayed by Pastor Peter to heal her condition.  Praise God after the prayer, her right could hear!  She had been healed.  This testimony was shared on Sunday morning.  God is good!  Amen.

Brother Roland and his grandson
Bro. Roland’s grandson of about 4 years had suffered from acute stomach pain for several weeks, and he had been admitted to the local hospital three times, and yet his condition persisted.  He could not eat or drink, the most he could drink a spoonful and that caused pain too.  On Wednesday night, Bro. Roland was led by the Holy Spirit to bring his grandson for prayers.  On one point, Pastor Peter felt something in his stomack, and he called for those with stomach ailment to come up front for prayers. Bro. Roland brought his grandson upfront for prayers.  Members of our church prayed for him.  On Sunday morning, Bro. Roland testified, that on Wednesday night after they went home from the prayer service, his grandson ate 2 pieces of banana, where as previously he could not eat at all!  He has been healed!  Praise God!  The following day he could eat chicken rice and pizza!  Hallelujah! Priae God!  Bro. Roland said after his recovery, his grandson started to praise God with his brother by shouting, “Hallelujah!”.
Thank God for all the miraculous healings.
Reading of the Words
The following were read together with the congregation:
Matthew 8:14-15
Mark 5:27-30
Mark 6:5
Mark 7:33-35
Luke 13:10-13
Matthew 9:28-31
Healing and worship session
Pastor Peter and Sister Ruth led the congregation in worship, and prayers before the healing prayers started.  The worship music with appropriate songs were sang, One of which was “He touched me”. It was a powerful and engaging song.  Those who needed healing came up front of the sanctuary.  Pastor Peter directed 5 members of the congregation to pray for an individual.  Sisters pray for sister, brothers for brother.  The healing touch of God moved powerfully amongst the congregation, some were slain by the Holy Spirit and lay on the floor, some weep. Many were healed in the worship and prayer session.  As the congregation participated in the singing, individuals were prayed over ny members of our church and some by Pastor Peter and Sister Ruth.
Sharing testimonies
Before the service ended on Sunday morning, several brothers and sisters shared their testimonies.  In view of the limited space here, one is highlighted here:
 Testimony of Sister Molly
Sis. Molly had been prayed by Pastor Peter when he visited two years ago.  She was paralysed due to spinal damage and laying flat on the bed at her house where Pastor Peter prayed for her.  At that time doctors confirmed she was paralysed from the neck downwards.  However, she was pregnant than and doctors had advised her to abort the child. She refused as she trusted God to deliver her baby although doctor said she will not be able to feel the contractions of child birth.  She and her church prayed for her, and praise God she delivered a healthy baby girl who is now about 2 and half years old!  She came to the Sunday service as prove of God’s miracle.  Next, she was able to sit on a wheel chair, where prior to her recovery she was not able to sit.  Next, movement slowly came to her right leg, and she could move it freely.  This was demonstrated for the congregation in church.  Pastor Peter had a word of knowledge for Sis. Molly, he envisioned her complete healing in due time.  Pastor Peter encouraged all to pray for her.  Hallelujah!  Praise God for healing her!

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