Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Acts 6:8 - 8:3 - Stephen’s Martyrdom (A True witness of Jesus ) by Ho King Swee dated 1.6.14

This sermon is based on Acts 6:8 – 8:3 and it is under three outlines below:

1. The setting of false accusation against Stephen ( 6:8 – 7:1 )
2. The Sermon of Stephen (7:2—7:53)
3. The Stoning of Stephen (7:54—8:3)

1. The setting of false accusation against Stephen

1.1 Stephen was full of grace and power, doing great wonders and signs among the people (6:8)
1.2 Hellenistic Jews could not withstand Stephen’s wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke (6:9)
1.3 The false accusations against Stephen (6:11-14)
-          speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God (Acts 6:11 )
-          speaking against the holy place or the temple and the law (Acts 6:12-13)
-          saying that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place (temple), and will change the customs which Moses delivered to us  (Acts 6:14)

      -          Leviticus 24:16
      -          Act 6:15 – Stephen’s face like that of an angel

How shall Stephen defend his case – he should know the Torah and prophets very well to counter the Sanhedrin.

Stephen quoted from 8 passages:
1.            Acts 7:3                Gen. 12:1 
2.            Acts 7:7                Gen. 15:14 
3.            Acts 7:26-28        Exo. 2:13-14 
4.            Acts 7:32-34        Exo. 3:5-10 
5.            Acts 7:37              Deu. 18:15 
6.            Acts 7:40              Exo. 32:1 
7.            Acts 7:42              Amos 5:25 
8.            Acts 7:49-50        Isa. 66:1-2 

2. The Sermon of Stephen

2.1   Stephen gave glory and honor to God in his defense by reviewing the Jewish history of  God’s dealings in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, Moses
  “The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham,…” (7:2)

2.2 Stephen stressed the facts that it was the early fathers who rejected God’s chosen leaders and prophets

(a) The patriarchs, jealous of Joseph sold him to Egypt but God was with him (7:9)
(b) God sent Moses but our fathers refused to obey him (7:35-40)
(c) The people made a calf and worshipped the idol (7:41-42
(d) Stephen was careful to give due honor to Moses as God’s chosen deliverer and God indeed gave the law through him

2.3 Tabernacle and the Temple

(a)    God did ordained the tabernacle and the temple (7:44-48)
(b)   Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses/temple made with hands (7:49-50, Isa.66:1-2)

2.4 Stephen indicted the Sanhedrin who, like their fathers,
(c)    * were stiff necked
(d)   *were uncircumcised in heart and ears
(e)   *always resisted the Holy Spirit
(f)      and now murdered the Righteous One (Jesus) (7:51-52).
(g)    Stephen thus declared Jesus as the Messiah.

2.5  Stephen indicted them of disobeying the Law
“you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it." (7:53)
Stephen again proclaimed the Son of man (Jesus) as the Messiah
and he said, "Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God." (7:56)

3. The stoning of Stephen

The Sanhedrin now had 2 choices
  1. To repent that they had wrongly killed the Messiah, Lord Jesus whom God had sent, or
  2.  To kill Stephen because he indicted them   of their sin against God
  3. The big contrast:
-Sanhedrin and the crowd were full of anger and murder & out of control
-Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit & in control

3.1 Stephen was still fully focused on Jesus
Act 7:55 – Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit.

3.2 Stephen died following the Lord’s example
-He was falsely accused and unjustly killed
- He entrusted his spirit to the Lord
-He asked the Lord not to hold the sin against those who stoned him
Act 7:59 – 60

3.3   Stephen’s martyrdom gave rise to persecution and spread of gospel beyond Jerusalem

Act 8:1-3

What happened to Saul after he met Jesus at the road to Damascus?
Has Stephen’s life and martyrdom impacted him?
Why did God use Stephen mightily?

  1. He was full of faith and the Holy Spirit (6:5, 10, 7:55)-- full of grace and power (6:8) and wisdom (6:10) He knew the Word of God & God
  2. He feared no men
  3. He feared and loved God even unto the death  
Jesus said “you shall be my witnesses (martyr) …” Acts 1:8 
Stephen was indeed a true witness (martyr) of Jesus. 
Stephen died because of Jesus 
Stephen lived a short life but he lived for Christ 
What is worth for us to die for? 
What is worth for us to live for? 
Are we true witnesses (martyr) of Jesus?

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