Friday, 25 March 2016

Matthew Chapter 26 by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 20.3.16

One of the important passage in Matthew Chapter 26 was the event at the garden of Gethsemane.  That passage was important because Jesus was given a choice whether He should go to the Cross.  In a sense God gave Him a choice.  After He “gave in” all events after that were human activities.  Because He already submitted to God’s will.
Jesus instituted the Holy Communion after He ate the Passover meal with His disciples.  The Passover meal parallels the Holy Communion.  Jesus brought in the Spiritual significant of a meal and turned it into the Holy Communion.
Under the old covenant, the Jews were preoccupied with the Mosiac Covenant :
         a)      Abrahamic Covenants representing perpetuities, and circumcision.
         b)      Noah Covenant – covenant of mercy
         c)       Covenant of Moses has three streams –
                    i) Abraham’s descendants to be circumcised.
             ii) the Jews were descended from Isaac and Jacob, they have the Torah and kept the Sabbath to                      distinguish them from the Arabs.
            iii) Through Jacob Jesus came to institute the New Covenant.

There are 7 parts to Dr. Thomas Chung’s sermon :

1.       Jesus predicted His death.  Politic prevailed to get Him.
2.       A woman anointed Jesus.  Jesus said the anointment was beautiful “to Him”, meaning as a worship and it was meant “for Him” as an act of service.
3.       He was sold as a slave.
4.       The New Covenant He instituted.
5.       At the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus could chose whether to go to the Cross.
6.       The Trial of Jesus.  False testimonies of blasphemy and false politics.
7.       Peter denied Jesus three times.
Matthew Chapter 26:
Vs. 1 & 2 – Jesus predicted His death and He warned His disciples.
Vs. 3 – 5 – The politics behind the trial.
Vs  6- 13 – A woman anointed Jesus. It was the most beautiful act ever performed by a human to the   
                   Son of God.
Vs 14-16- Jesus was sold by Judas for 30 silver coins a price of a slave.
Vs 17-29- The Passover meal parallel the Holy Communion.  The difference between the Passover meal and Holy Communion is that the Passover meal was part take with meat whereas the Holy Communion did not.  Jesus instituted the Holy Communion because this was to indicate that Christians need not part take of the Passover meal.
Vs 30 -45 – Peter denied he knew Jesus.  In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed that the Cup may be taken away from Him.
Vs 47-68- Judas betrayed Jesus.  Jesus’ trial was a religious trial but it was turned into a political trial.  The religious part accused Him to had blasphemed by claiming to be God and the political part accused Him of calling Himself King.
Vs 69-75 – Peter denied Jesus.  Dr. Chung explained that he was recognised by his accent as he spoke.  People from different region spoke with different accent.

Holy Communion
In explaining the Holy Communion, Dr. Chung referred to 1 Corinthians 10:14 and 1 Corinthians 11:23
Jesus instituted a new Covenant.  He also instituted the Holy Communion after the Passover meal.  The Holy Communion was a parallel to the Passover meal.  The Holy Communion was to be taken after the Passover meal.  It was not a whole meal.  It was a symbolic meal with Spiritual significance.
1 Corinthians 11:25 – Jesus instituted the Holy Communion after the Passover has ended.  The Holy Communion was for the Christians and the Passover was for the Jews.  The blood symbolised the cleansing of our sins.  Exodus 12:13 indicated the significance of the blood.  The blood of the lamb brought deliverance.  Holy Communion is also a deliverance, exorcise people.
Covenant can also means testament or agreement.
1 Corinthians 10:16 – Holy Communion is to participate in the life of God and life of the church.  In participating in the Holy Communion is also a fellowship of God’s people.  It is a fellowship in the body of Christ.

The Significance of Holy Communion
          1.       Speaks of the centrality of the Cross
          2.       An act of continuity.
          3.       Constant regular reminder of th centrality of the Cross.
          4.       Proclamation of Jesus’ death until He comes again.

          5.       A sacred act – partake with sincerity and reverence.  It is also a blessing because it cement our                     relationship with God and one another.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Parable of the sower by Ho King Swee dated 6.3.16

This sermon is based on Matthew 13:1-23 and similar passages in Mark 4:1-2o and Luke 8:4-15.
Bro. Ho paraphrased Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest preach from Britain, “if you know that God is speaking, you better listen attentively.  If you know God has written the Bible, you better read this book”.
Parables are about our hearts and the words put into our hearts.
1. The Parable give Matt 13:1-9
         a)       some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them.
         b)       Other seeds fell on rocky ground,  -not much soil, immediately they sprang up -when the sun rose they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away.
         c)       Other seeds fell upon thorns,  the thorns grew up and choked them.
         d)       Other seeds fell on good soil - brought forth grain (fruit), some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty
2. The Purpose of parables  Matt 13:10-17
10: Then the disciples came and said to him, "Why do you speak to them in parables?"
11: And he answered them, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. Also vs. 13,14,15.
Parable Explained:
       1.       First kind of soil –wayside/path (Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12)
       2.    Second kind of soil - rocky ground (Matthew 13:20,21; Mark 4:16,17; Luke 8:13)
       3.    Third kind of soil - thorny ground (Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12)
       4.    Fourth kind of soil - good ground (Matthew 13:19; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12)
All the 4 kinds of people are subject to the same conditions:
        (1)     Satan is working on them (2) They face tribulation & persecution (3) They face temptations of the world
The 4th kind of people are different from the 1st three in that
They bear fruit
We can conclude that :
1. They receive and hold fast to the word
2. They do not fall away in tribulation and persecution
3. They do not love the world

What fruits? Gal 5:22-23, John 15:1-8


Sufferings are inevitable John 15:18, 20, John 16:33
Sufferings produce characters Rom 5:3-5
Blessed are those who are persecuted for Christ’s sake Matt 5:10-12
Never trade our eternal life for anything here Matt 16:25-26
E,g Paul live for Christ Phil 1:12, Rom 8:18
All who died in faith Heb 11:13
Are you fearful of suffering? Have you died for Christ?
What and where is your treasure?

The 4th kind of people are different from the 1st three in that
They bear fruit

We can conclude that :
1. They receive and hold fast to the word
2. They do not fall away in tribulation and persecution
3. They do not love the world


4. Live daily for eternity – as sojourners on earth Heb 3:12-14