The secret of parenting is surprisingly the status of your marriage. What has parenting got to do with your marriage you may ask. They are related. When you have a strong marriage, parenting, your business, and other things in life will fall into place. This is because God created marriage and when you obey God, He blesses us.
The Hard Questions
We human ask tough questions like, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” We asked these questions because we are created in God’s image. Joseph related how a 15 years old student asked his teach not about studies but he asked, “Who is Adam and Eve?” God put in us a seeking nature. We like to know about ourselves and how we come about. The message of the Gospel is still the same, in the past and now. But what has changed? In the past evangelism was conducted in large stadiums, like Billy Graham crusades, but now this may not work. Now the environment has changed, people are asking complicated questions. They also asked hard questions like, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”,
What Scientists Said
Scientist G. Richard Bozarth in the “Meaning of Evolution” said life is predicated in the existence of Adam and Eve. He also said, “Christianity is – must be! totally committed to the special creation as described in Genesis, and Christianity must fight with its full might, fair or foul against the theory of evolution.” The scientists are committed to their causes even before they have proves of what they called scientific proofs. In other words, they had their mind set that there is no God. God set standards, like for marriage, 7 days week, work, etc. But the western worlds have drifted from these standards. Doubts have been created by Satan to distract us. We should not be ashamed of the Gospel Roman 1:16. It is the Word of God.
Two Forms of Science
a) Observational science – you observed what happened and often these can be repeated.
b) Historical science – you observed what happened in the past and this cannot be repeated e.g dinosaurs bones. In science the scientists themselves have already made up their minds as to the interpretations of their findings, and they do take God into their findings. They do not believe in God.
Fossils and the Flood
In Genesis, the Bible accounted how the earth was destroyed by a great flood. Only Noah and inhabitants of the Ark survived this great flood.
Scientists claimed that the fossils found all over the earth was a result of millions of years of sediments. They found many fossilized fishes. Some were in the process of eating another fish, some giving birth mid way. Can these fishes be fossilized over millions of year and was “captured” in that state? Seem very unlikely. Current experiments showed that when a fish died, it floated to the water top and not sink into the sea-bed, many were eaten by other animals. The explanation is that their death were sudden like in Noah’s flood where animal were frozen saddened. Genesis 7:11b.
Similarly rock layers could not formed over millions of years. The recent Mount St.Helen’s eruption proved that rock layers were created within days.
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