Saturday, 10 August 2013

John Chapter 9: Eyes Opened By Jesus, Eyes Blinded By Jesus dated 4.8.2013

John’s eyewitness account of an incident of someone coming to faith because he starts thinking about the evidence while some rejecting Jesus Christ because they stopped thinking about the evidence.

Personal, experiential testimony, though very important, is not the Gospel. Our witness is to a living Christ today & our experience. The witness of the disciples was to the Word made flesh.

Secrets of the Kingdom

John’s Gospel reveals the secrets in teachings about the kingdom that is being ushered in – new birth, water of life, the Divine Son, the Bread of Life, the Life-Giving Spirit, the Light of the World and the Good Shepherd – the discourses or that is being ushered in.

Jesus turning water into wine was the first sign of John’s Gospel – a new creation was on the verge of coming in, the generous gifts of God would soon flow, the abundance and joy of the new kingdom. Entry into this kingdom requires a new birth certificate and even sinners like the Samaritan woman could also get in. What God wants in his kingdom – true worship in contrast to the existing temple worship.

God’s Rescuer

The theme of John 8:12 where Jesus made the claim: “I am the light of the world”, refers to the fulfillment of God’s promises hundreds of years ago to send a Rescuer to bring God’s people from darkness and being cut off as a result of rebellion against God, to light, to know God and live with God. (Isaiah 61:1,2; Deuteronomy 29:2-6)

Light of the World

The theme of John 8 now comes and focuses on one man, the light shines on one man. Not only does the light shine, but his eyes are going to be opened.

1. The Claim and Demonstration that Jesus is God’s Rescuer (9:1 - 8)

Work of God

Disciples’ popular theology assumed suffering comes from things we do wrong. Jesus is very clear in v3: suffering is not caused by our own wrong doing. So why is he blind?

That God's glory might be seen. He's actually here in the providence of God so that at this moment as Jesus passes by and work this great miracle, all men might see what is the distinctive work of God that Jesus has been sent into the world to do. And what is that work of God? To open people's eyes to the truth - that is the heart of apostolic ministry (Acts 26:16-18).

Light for Life

Jesus, the Light of the World claims to give light for life (John 1:4; 8:12). He’s the one who understands about life. If you follow Jesus, you will understand about life. If you don't follow Jesus, you'll never understand what life is about. Jesus is able to enlighten you for life.

Spiritual Blindness

To think of life as if it is only now is to completely the wrong way to think of life. But for Jesus, there is healing. May not be now, but there will be in the ultimate. Here, a person with congenital blindness is healed simply by the Word of Jesus.

It's really a secondary picture of spiritual blindness. What are the marks of spiritual blindness?

 Firstly, there is a carelessness about God. The mark of spiritual blindness is I don't worry about God and I don't want him to worry me.

With regard to the Bible, I never read it. These are the marks of the spiritually blind.

With regard to prayer, I don't engage in it unless there is a crisis.

There's an uncontrollable pride in the spiritually blind. Pride which pushes God aside and expresses itself in self sufficiency and often tells Christians they are weak and feeble if they have to trust and obey God.

The spiritually blind are careless about life after this one and the judgment of God is given very little thought.

The spiritually blind generally are unhappy about God’s people and do not want to be with them.

Jesus takes the complete initiative in opening these blind eyes and it is exactly the same in the spirit world. God took the initiative by doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Only God can help. He has taken the initiative. Jesus coming into the world, died on the cross and rose again from the dead so that I can be forgiven, and he sends his Holy Spirit to change us and empower us to live new lives.

This miracle is evidence that backs up Jesus' claim to be the Light of the world


Faith and Evidence

The blind man's understanding of Jesus changes gradually from Jesus being just a man, to being a prophet, to being from God and finally coming to faith in Jesus and worships him. (v12, 17, 35, 38)

Far from switching off his mind, he comes to believe as he rationally, logically dwells on the evidence. This is faith, not faith despite, but faith because of the evidence.

Evidence Denied

It's frightening to realize that it doesn't matter how many times the evidence is stated before the authorities, they are determined not to believe. They are basically disinterested in the evidence.

Sometime later, a man is raised from the dead and the same authorities try to kill him to get rid of the evidence. The evidence does not change their minds.

Needing Help

Blind people cannot open their own eyes and need a miracle to see who Jesus is. Jesus enables the blind man to believe. We need help to see straight. We need to pray for help.



Others get sight from Jesus, others blinded by him. Jesus is saying those who get blinded are those who say they see, they think they have perfect spiritual sight, they think they know what's what with God - that really sums up the Pharisees.

We think we can see. If we do, if we think we can see on our own by ourselves, Jesus says we are in danger of becoming blind, which means confirming, deepening our blindness.

It's very dangerous to close our eyes to Jesus Christ.

Jesus claims that he is the watershed and the divide. It is in our attitude to him that either makes you blind or gives you sight. It is the way I respond to Jesus as to whether my guilt is forgiven or my guilt remains.


There is an extraordinary account, without precedent, of a chronically sick man, without the capacity to see (v1), washing in a pool and coming back seeing. There can't possibly be a greater miracle?


The greater miracle in this chapter is how a man who is quite ignorant of Jesus came actually to worship Him (v35-37).  Jesus’ own disciples hardly in a position to confess Jesus as God; the church not yet formed, yet this man has become a worshiper.


3 great truths to understand carefully:

1. Man's case is hopeless

It is very important to realize that Man is blind from birth (v1). They see Gospel as foolish because they are blind, not because the Gospel is not there (1 Cor2:14). Bear this mind or else we will be disillusioned and discouraged as we try to share the Gospel. The Bible makes it very clear we are all incapable of living together and incapable of living with God without the grace of Christ. Therefore, need to cry out to and depend on God to have mercy on them.

2. Our only hope lies in the free and sovereign grace of God

Our hope does not lie in men. If you put your trust in them, and their ways of describing and explaining the Gospel, we shall fail. Our hope is in God alone. John 9 doesn't even mention the faith of the blind man. It is entirely God in mercy, moving into a situation where a man is incapable of seeing or believing and giving him sight. Man is incapable of believing or obeying God. What we should call upon men to do, as in this account, is obey the Lord when they hear his voice. Belief without that obedience will lead to nothing.

3. Conversion brings Radical Change

The change brought about by conversion is very radical.

This man comes to have unshakable convictions – was blind, but now I see (v25).

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