Tuesday, 7 January 2014

John - Summary dated 29.12.2013


John’s Gospel is about getting to know Jesus personally – He is God’s Messiah and King. First few chapters of John focuses on this kingdom that is being ushered in.

In Matthew’s Gospel, the disciples were given the secrets of the kingdom.

Here we are given those secrets – born again, water of life, the Divine Son, the Bread of Life, the Life-Giving Spirit, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd – the discourses or teachings about the kingdom that is being ushered in.


John’s Gospel begins with echoes of the Creation account in Genesis and continues with the theme of Eden renewed in the new creation, the works during the Sabbath, the Garden where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.


Narrative: Tells us what we should understand and what we should be thinking (as in a drama play) e.g. reveal glory of God, put trust in, fulfil Scriptures

PURPOSE John 20:30,31

20:30,31 miraculous signs recorded that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, have life in his name

IDENTITY John 1- 4

Does God exist? Where is God? How do you know God? John 12:44 – 46 Having seen Jesus, you have seen God. This is God Himself breaking into His Creation, declaring Himself once & for all.

ETERNITY Genesis 1

Christ in Eternity


Christ in History with the picture of a Messianic Banquet from the first miracle during the Wedding at Cana (Isaiah 25:6 – 8; John 2:1 – 11)

Royal Official’s son close to death: death removed (John 4:43 – 54)

Miracles of Identity: Jesus as Bridegroom, Messianic King, Judge, Good Shepherd

More than 7 miracles:

1.   Water to wine
2.   Heals Official’s son
3.   Feeds 5,000
4.   Walk on water
5.   Heals man born blind
6.   Lazarus’ resurrection
7.   Own resurrection
8.   Supernatural catch of fish
9.   Nathanael
10.   Woman at the well

 WORK OF GOD John 5 – 10

SABBATH John 5:17;9:3,14

Miracles involving Sabbath healings as Work of God: God’s New Creation – God rested but is still working. This resulted in intense hostility against Jesus which revealed the wickedness of man

HUMANITY John 5:24; 6:63; 7:7; 8:12,34,44

Analysis of humanity without intervention from God:

1.   Dead 5:24
2.   Condemned 5:24
3.   Helpless 6:63
4.   Evil 7:7
5.   Blind 8:12
6.   Enslaved 8:34
7.   Children of evil one 8:44

Nice, decent, friendly people in offices, neighbourhoods, families

WHOSE FAMILY? John 1:12; 8:42- 47

God or the evil one

LIFE John 11 – 20

Full of work of Christ

“I am”:

     1. Light of the World
     2.   Good Shepherd
     3.   Door for the sheep
     4.   Resurrection and Life
     5.   Open blind eyes
     6.   Set you free
     7.   Bring Father to in your house, your life

John carefully puts together in his account 2 signs bracketing how Life from God comes:


John 11 followed by John 12: Cross

CROSS John 12; 18; 19

Through Christ dying sacrificially on the Cross

To carry God’s judgment for our sake who are already condemned


John 20 preceded by John 18, 19: Cross


Very last chapter, why did John the writer focus on Peter instead of his own relationship with Jesus?

God is a relational God.  John 17:3; 20:30,21

In relationship, we need:


To God and to man: So important BUT we often AVOID

Ministry of Reconciliation : 2 Corinthians 5:17-21


In John 20:3-9 John arrived at tomb first but did not go in, Peter arrived later & went in first. Finally John went in, saw and believed but no account of Peter believing.

There was no mention of Peter after that: Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, appeared to disciples on evening of first day of week (they were still fearing the Jews) – receiving the Holy Spirit & forgiving sins; appeared to Thomas

Peter’s call in Lk 5:1-11 is reflected in almost the same way as Jesus’ reinstatement of Peter to his call in John 21.

In Matthew 16:17-20 Jesus said it was not flesh & blood that revealed his identity to Peter but God; He was given the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

In John 21:18,19 Jesus reinstated Peter after he was broken for use John 12:24-26;

In Acts: Peter preached & 3,000 came to Christ;

In 1 Peter 5 Peter the apostle in humility sees himself as a fellow elder.

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