Monday, 10 February 2014

Covenant of Inheritance and perpetuity by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 9.2.14

This sermon is based on Genesis 17:1-14.  Dr. Thomas Chung had started the “covenant” series two weeks ago.
Everyday without fail, God’s mercies are shown to us human.  Even in sufferings, wars, and other disasters God’s grace is shown to us. Again Dr. Chung gave an example of a child recovered from rubbles after being buried for one week in Syria.  The reason for God’s grace is also the death of Jesus on the Cross.  He declared “It is finished”
Jesus died for our sins.  He did three things a) Jesus cried our sins b) He was made sin c) He was made a curse.
Salvation is not automatic, we must confess our sins.  God also judge us.  Dr. Chung said mercy has a relationship with judgement, it is like they “kissed” each other.
God delivered promises and covenants to His people.  However, there are more promises than covenants. 
  Covenant of Inheritance
God made many promises and some covenants.  Promises may be for a season but covenants are perpetual.  God made covenants with Abraham.  Before He made the covenants he was known as Abram but after God made covenant with him, he became Abraham.
  Recipients of promises
Lot was the nephew of Abraham.  He was a righteous man.  He was the ancestor of Moabites and the Ammonites.  Gen 19:27-38.  Because God had promised Lot, God instructed the Israelites not to fight with the Moabites and Ammonites.  Deu 2:5.  Most likely the ancestors of the present Palestinians were Moabites and Ammonites.
 Genesis 16:10 Ishmael was the son of Abram and Hagar the Egyptian maid servant.  God made His promise to increase their numbers Genesis 17:20-21.  God made His promise with the Ishmaelite and that is why today we have a large numbers of Ishmaelite in the Middle East and elsewhere.  God kept His promise to them and they are still enjoying it like abundant oil in their countries. However, God only made covenant with Isaac.
There are two “seals” for God’s people a) circumcision and b) keeping the Sabbath. Exo 31:16-17.
Covenant in Jesus Christ
This is an eternal covenant because it applies to all people of God or all Christians.  Jesus said in His Father’s house, there are many rooms and He himself will go and prepare the rooms for His people.  This covenant is possible only from coming through the Abrahamic covenant.  God has not forgotten His covenant to Isaac.  The read more about covenant read Roman chapter 9, 10 and 11.  The Jews are still covered under the Abrahamic covenant.
Christians are also recipients of this covenant
Galatians 3:14
Galatians 3.29, 4:6-7
2 things come to the Christians:
1)       Paternity
2)       Inheritance
The seal of the covenant is the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1:15, Galatians 5:6, and Roman 8:12, 14.

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