Monday, 17 March 2014

Acts Chapter 2 by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 16.3.14

The Holy Spirit was not really featured in Old Testament.  Two books mentioned the Spirit of God.  The Spirit of God featured in Genesis 1:2.  The Holy Spirit occurred in:

  1. Psalm 51:11 prayer of King David
  2. Isaiah 63:10

Joel 2:28-29 – pouring out the Spirit of God.

Jesus also taught about the Holy Spirit.  Luke 24:29- this is the greatest of God’s gifts and also greatest of God’s promises.  John baptized with water, Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit Act 1:5, 8.

The Holy Spirit

  1.  Supreme promise of God
  2. You will be baptized in the Holy Spirit
  3. Works of Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the power of God. 
After the resurrection, Jesus showed example of what it meant to receive the Spirit. John 20:2, John 14, 15, 16.  In John Chapter 16 He gave comprehensive teaching on the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit bear witness of Jesus.

Acts 2 deals in graphic ways when the Holy Spirit came down to the church.

Two Things

Impartation of the Holy Spirit to individuals. 
Impartation of the Holy Spirit to the church.

Impartation of the Holy Spirit to individual

  1. They heard Him – sound from heaven
  2. Saw Him – tongues of fire resting on people 
  3. Felt Him – resting on people
  4. Touch Him – filled with Holy Spirit 
  5.  Manifested Him – V.4 filled with Holy Spirit, in Geek in meant one-off experience.

     However, we are to be daily filled with the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:18
V.37 and V.38 -  to repent and receive the Holy Spirit.  All these were about Jesus only He can give salvation.

Impartation of the Holy Spirit to the church

The Pentecost in one sense is a blue print for the church.  Different churches have different gifting like some good at mission, some worship, some charities etc.

  1. Sign ad wonders V.43 the greatest of signs and wonders is to witness believers being born again or regenerated.
  2. Early church a community V.44 – help those in need.
  3. Full meaning of grace, steadfast in God’s teaching, devoted themselves to fellowship with one another.
  4. Prayers and worship V 46, 47
  5. Out-reach to interact with those not from the church

Other places where the Holy Spirit was mentioned in Acts, Act 9:31, Act 8:14, 17, Act 10:44, 46.

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