Saturday, 10 May 2014

Covenant of the Davidic Kingdom by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 4.5.14

This sermon is based on Psalm 89

Covenant God made with David

This covenant is eternal. God also promises to David a territorial covenant (2 Samuel 7:9-10).

The phrase “Selah” in the Psalms indicates a change in the mood of what is written e.g. a longing – how long?, victory, blessing the Lord.

Apparent Discrepancy

God swore to David that the Davidic Kingdom lasts forever and is unbroken (Psalm 89:3-4; 36-37). This is fulfilled in Jesus. However, there appears to be an error. Has God changed his mind by seemingly rejecting his covenant (Psalm 89:38-39)? It appears God is not sovereign. This is man’s thinking. This is Satan’s lies.

However, in Hebrews, Jesus has entered behind the unseen curtain as a forerunner (2 Corinthians 4:18). 

In Luke 24:27, Jesus opens up the Old Testament as pointing to him (Isaiah 22:22; Jeremiah 30:9; Hosea 3:5; Amos 9:11).

There is a small print to the covenant kingship: a conditional ‘if’ (1 Kings 2:4). 

The restoration of God’s Word is fulfilled in Haggai, Nehemiah & Ezra.

End of Davidic Kingdom

This was seen with the Exile and the disappearance of the 10 tribes of Israel.

However in the New Testament, Luke 1:31-33 picks up the Throne of David and this is highlighted in Acts 13:22, 23 and Revelation 5:5 with the 7 seals and the 4 horsemen. Jesus is also described as the root and the bridegroom (Revelation 16; 22:16-17).

Jesus is in control of history.

Rule and Reign of Christ in the Church

Lift up our eyes to see the implications of Christ’s Rule (Colossian 2:9-10):

Jesus has overcome the world and tribulation (John 16:33). The word ‘tribulation’ conveys that which is heavy and weighs down.

We are to be:

  •  built up in Him: growth of Christ-life and holiness
  • rooted in him: spiritual anchor; and
  • living in him: Divine life

Finally, there will be the marriage between the Lamb and the Church.

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