This sermon is based on Psalm 89
Covenant God made with David
This covenant is eternal. God also promises to David a territorial
covenant (2 Samuel 7:9-10).
The phrase “Selah” in the Psalms indicates a change in the
mood of what is written e.g. a longing – how long?, victory, blessing the Lord.
Apparent Discrepancy
God swore to David that the Davidic Kingdom lasts forever
and is unbroken (Psalm 89:3-4; 36-37). This is fulfilled in Jesus. However, there
appears to be an error. Has God changed his mind by seemingly rejecting his
covenant (Psalm 89:38-39)? It appears God is not sovereign. This is man’s
thinking. This is Satan’s lies.
However, in Hebrews, Jesus has entered behind the unseen curtain
as a forerunner (2 Corinthians 4:18).
In Luke 24:27, Jesus opens up the Old
Testament as pointing to him (Isaiah 22:22; Jeremiah 30:9; Hosea 3:5; Amos
There is a small print to the covenant kingship: a
conditional ‘if’ (1 Kings 2:4).
The restoration of God’s Word is fulfilled in Haggai,
Nehemiah & Ezra.
End of Davidic Kingdom
This was seen with the Exile and the disappearance of the 10
tribes of Israel.
However in the New Testament, Luke 1:31-33 picks up the
Throne of David and this is highlighted in Acts 13:22, 23 and Revelation 5:5
with the 7 seals and the 4 horsemen. Jesus is also described as the root and
the bridegroom (Revelation 16; 22:16-17).
Jesus is in control of history.
Rule and Reign of Christ in the Church
Lift up our eyes to see the implications of Christ’s Rule
(Colossian 2:9-10):
Jesus has overcome the world and tribulation (John 16:33).
The word ‘tribulation’ conveys that which is heavy and weighs down.
We are to be:
- built up in Him: growth of Christ-life and holiness
- rooted in him: spiritual anchor; and
- living in him: Divine life
Finally, there will be the marriage between the Lamb and the
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