Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Covenant of Regeneration & Holy Spirit by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 29.6.14

Covenant & Regeneration & Holy Spirit by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 29.6.14
Related Scriptures Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Ezekiel 36:26-27
In the previous sermons by Dr. Thomas Chung he had covered four covenants.
1.       Covenant of mercy – God made with Noah, the symbol is the rainbow
2.       Covenant of inheritance that God made with Abraham, and was fulfilled through Isaac. Not all promises are covenants.
3.       Covenant of obedience, this God made with Moses, its symbol are the tablets of stone where 10 commands were carved.
4.       Covenant of kingship that God made with King David that one of his descendants will be king.
Now Dr. Chung will address the fifth covenant, Covenant & regeneration & Holy Spirit.  Prophet Jeremiah and prophet Ezekiel were contemporary.  Jeremiah stayed in Jerusalem with the remnants of Israel, where as Ezekiel went with the exiles to Babylon.  In Jeremiah 31:31-34, Jeremiah said the Israelites can have a relationship with God, that was “knowing” God intimately.  Prophet Ezekiel amplified what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 31.  One can have a new heart, new Spirit, removing your heart of stone and giving you a new heart.  This was fulfilled by Paul in 2 Cor 5:16-21.  In the previous verses Paul talked about “reconciliation”.  Reconciliation in Greek means “exchange”, like a trade exchange one thing for another.  So in sharing the Gospel, the peace of God was exchanged for miseries of life.    Exchange our strength for God’s strength.
We Christians are traders, our commodity is eternal life.  However, people must repent and receive God into their lives.
The Holy Spirit is given to us, it is a living force.  The Holy Spirit has one “ministry” that is pointing us to Jesus.  The Holy Spirit also means the Spirit of Christ.
Jeremiah called for a new covenant as the Israelites had broken the covenant of obedience.  While Moses was in the mountain, the Israelites worship the golden calf.  It was like the Israelites committing adultery.
Why new covenant? Why bring the Holy Spirit?  Roman 8:3-4,  walking according to the Spirit and not fresh.  We received the Holy Spirit into us, the temple of Holy Spirit.
1.       Light – is truth
2.       Heat – is with the love of God. 
The Holy Spirit is both light and heat. 
Jeremiah 31:33 – covenants were written in their heart that cannot be erased.
New family Ephesians 2:19-20
New relationship – Romans 6:19, Romans 8:13
In Christ we are new creations 2 Cor 5:17

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