Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Evangelistic Cutting Edge by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 7.12.14

This sermon is seen in the light of:
  1. Evangelism
  2. Holy Spirit
  3. Discipleship
  1. 1 Samuel 15 God instructed the Israelites to destroy the Amalekites including their animals. But they did not obey God instead some animals were kept.  Prophet Samuel asked Saul why some animals were kept, he replied that he wanted to make sacrifice to God.  But Samuel said to obey is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:18-19. 
  2. King David transported the Ark of Covenant on a cart.  Once the cart was off balanced and Uzzah the Priest reached out to hold it but was struck dead by God.  This was because the Ark was supposed to be carried on poles not in a cart.  They have disobeyed God.
Yes, we may be doing God’s work, but are we doing in His ways?

  1. The Content of evangelistic message – it never changed, we are to discern what God wants us to deliver to the non- believers.
  2. Evangelistic methods can be modified according to needs. 
  3. Evangelistic manifestations.
Roman 1:16-17 – the contents of evangelistic message.

1 Cor 1:17 – in sharing the Gospel it is not using techniques of the world the important message is the Cross.  Share the Cross and the Holy Spirit will be “excited”.

Vs 18 – the world says the Cross is foolishness but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Vs 20 – God made foolish the wisdom of the world.

Vs 22- the world look for signs and wonders, we preached Christ crucified.

The Story of the 10 lepers Luke 17:11-19

All the 10 lepers were healed but only one came back to thank Jesus.  There were ten converts but only one born again Christian.  Are we getting converts?  Are we giving the solutions or treating the symptoms?  Only the born again can enter heaven.  The job of evangelism is to get people into heaven.  It is not to get people near to heaven.

The Bible tells us the contents of evangelism is the Cross.  Is the message of the Cross relevant today?  To many they say no.  The Cross is the heart of evangelism.  To many the Cross is a stumbling block.  But if there is no Cross there is no salvation.  If there is no Cross we are only practising religion.
Key words about the Cross (for Salvation)(Romans 1:17)
  1. Righteousness of God – we cannot have righteousness from ourselves, it is from God. 
  2.  Revelation – the Cross is the revelation of who God is. 
  3. Through faith – faith open our minds to God.  Without faith we cannot come to God. 
  4. Word of God – Words of God in the Bible.

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