passage 1 King 18:16-40 the story about Elijah challenging to see whose God was
real by praying for the sacrificed bulls to be burnt. Bro. Song said he chose this passage because
we are talking about witnessing. Was
Elijah witnessing? Indeed he was. He was witnessing to the non believer about
the true God. His name means "Lord
is my God". He called upon God to bring fire to the sacrificed bulls and
God sent fire to burn them up. As opposed to the Baal, their gods did not
respond at all. Elijah was witnessing
his whole life. His very name bear
Acts 1:5-8
Jesus told
His disciples that they will be witnesses to the ends of the earth. His
disciples were asked to be His witnesses.
Acts 2:32
God raised
Jesus from the dead and His disciples were witnesses.
Story of a
Bro. Song
met a student recently and asked her what she has learned after 4 and half
years. She said she became a Christian
after her friend witnessed to her. Her
life has changed, now she is more patient and she has many friends in church.
Bro. Song had shared with her earlier but she became a Christian via some one
Billy Graham
Bro. Song
shared that he and his wife had their honey moon in 1978 attending Billy Graham
crusade in Singapore where they experienced great anointing and witnessing by
Billy Graham. He has spoken to 215 million people in 185 countries. During this
Crusade they met a form four student from Kuching who is now a senior pastor in
a local church. We can see the power of witnessing here.
Johnny Ang
Johnny is
also known as Hallelujah Ang. He is also known as "Anytime pastor"
because of his willingness to share the Gospel with any one any time. Bro. Song got to know him in a meeting and
has since got him to share his testimony with the students. He was a former
businessman who failed in business and contemplated killing his family and
himself. He has 9 children.
An Associate
According to
this Associate professor, you need to be a significant person to some body who is
not your family members. You must spend
a long time with this person to share and influence him. To make a difference in his life. We need to do this intentionally. Not "touch and go" like how Bro.
Song explained this.
If we desire
to be with God, He is more than willing to give us, heal us, and restore
us. As another example of how he and his
wife influenced a neighbor's children, he said at one time they brought their
neighbor's children to church for 9 years.
After they were grown they became Christians. Praise God!
If we have
been loved by God, helped by God, naturally for us to talk about Jesus to
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