Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Compassion for the Lost and Networking by Dr.Tiong Tung Hui dated 24.1.16

Compassion for the lost and networking with other churches in demonstrating compassion is in our Church’s Mission Statement.
What is compassion?
Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Splangchnon; plural splangchna
Originally referred to body parts specifically to the viscera of sacrificial animals – heart, liver, lungs and kidney (“guts” or “bowels”)
The followings are the verses used by Dr. Tiong for his sermon:
Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 14:14, Matthew 15:32, Mark 1:40-41, John 11:35
Several of these verses contain the word “compassion” and some about how Jesus showed compassion for the needy.
God’s compassion is the heart of salvation. Jesus is the expression of God’s compassion for us.  It is not about pity for us.
Jesus has the heart for two groups of people 
a) The lost
b) outcast, sick or poor.
Even though in many Bible stories we could see Jesus was very busy and yet he had compassion for these two groups of people.
How do we love God?  By loving others.
     1.       For the lost – we must share Christ whenever we have the opportunity.  In this modern time, we got to earn the rights to share Jesus Christ with the lost.  Our actions should tally with our sharing.  Do not say one thing and do the opposite.
     2.       Heal the sick – Jesus had compassion for the sick and He healed them.
     3.       The harvest is plentiful and labours are few, more so we must share Christ with those who do not know Him.
Being a Christian we cannot be uncompassionate.  He share about the work of Mother Teresa, and Amy Carmichael, how these missionaries sacrificed their lives for others.  Also in Borneo how SIB was started by the Australians who had compassion for those in Borneo who did not know Christ.  We must response to reach the unreached.  We are His hands and voices.  We are His channel and He wants to work through us.  God wants us t participate in His work.
As a Church how do we show compassion to the lost?
E.g. we have Salvation Amy works, Breakthrough, Hope Place, Tuition of English, Family Ministry and others.  There are so many avenue for us to participate.  It is not necessary to introduce new activity and organizations to do these work.
Dr. Tiong shared about his experience of serving in a hospice where a family have 4 retarded children who also suffered from kidney problems.  Last year one child died while his parents hold his hands.  Another is very sick now.  When Dr. Tiong asked them how they face such hardship and pain, they said it was God’s grace and mercy.  Dr. Tiong said he could not help but to show support and to hold their hands in the time of trouble.
In another story, he was helping a rural woman with her cataract eyes, the operation did not go well and yet the woman told Dr. Tiong that she could see.  Dr. Tiong knew she could not see.  On another occasion Dr. Tiong asked her why she said she could see when she could not ?  She said Dr.Tiong  and others had already showed her so much compassion and help and she could not say she was unable to see.
Net Working
God wants us to work with others and other churches.  Since, the “Allah” issue we can see how our Sarawak Churches of various denominations had united together for the same cause.  We have seen many churches under Kuching Minister Fellowship working together in many projects.
There are many organizations we can join, Salvation Amy, Alpha, FES, Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Breakthrough, Hope place etc.
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly[a] with your God.”

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