He started his teaching using Exodus 19:1-6. These verses were about the Israelites being
delivered from Egypt and what God wants them to do. There are lessons for us today as follows:
These are written for our
instructions, so that we can understand the plan and purpose of God. The story
of the Exodus was a pattern of what God wants to do with us.
The Lord had delivered the
people from Egypt. It was by grace alone
not by power of works.
God led them to Mt. Sinai. Here He would make a Covenant with them.
Notice how the Lord makes an
offer to them: if you will obey and keep my Covenant..
Then you will be a special
treasure to me above all people
You shall be to me a kingdom of
priests and a holy nation.
These offers still remain : 1 Peter 2:9 and Revelation 1:5-6
Notice God’s purpose has to do
with a Kingdom: Matthew 9:35
The blessings of the kingdom of
God are for those who submit to the King.
There is a false Gospel (or at
least a half-Gospel) that is popular today. That is “Gospel-lite” rather than
“Gospel-lite” emphasis
forgiveness of sins and God love’s but leave out discipleship.
God makes a new Covenant with
us, a better one, because He give a new heart and give us , the Holy Spirit,
but there is still calls to make Jesus Lord and King.
There is still, “If you obey
and keep the Covenant Then…
This offer was made with
powerful demonstration of God’s power and presence of God.
In order to receive this
promise, Israel had to enter into a covenant and obey what He told them to do.
( keeping the law was not a way to earn salvation, they had been delivered from
The law is the wisdom of God
how to live and how to be successful in life.
Keeping the law is how they
express their love for God and other people.
Matthew 22:37-40
It was a particle out working
of faith ( Jas 2:18 )
Acts 9:3-6 Jesus spoke to blind Saul.
Saul was opposing the Lord.
Every one of us has been in similar place, even if not so extreme.
Sin is rebellion, disobedience,
self-will, putting ourselves above God.
To be delivered we must turn
Repentance and faith are really
the same, we turn from sin to the Lord.
Saul surrendered totally, “Lord
what do you want me to do? “
At Sinai God called the nation
of Israelite to come out from the kingdom of darkness to into His kingdom.
It was full surrender like
True conversion is a full
surrender to Jesus as Lord.
True conversion is when we ask
“Lord, what will you have me to do? “
The question is: “Where do we stand this
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