Antinomianism (cheap grace) – Romans 5:20
(ii) Sinless perfection – ‘dead to sin” (6:11), “freed
from sin” (6:7)
(iii) Hyper Calvinism – Absolute Sovereignty of God
Hyper Arminianism –
Responsibility of Man
(iv) Antisemitism – Anti Jew
General Outlook of Romans 9, 10 and
(a) One
of the most bewildering problems that the Church has to solve – Salvation of
the Jews
(b) The
rejection of Jesus Christ – as the Messiah and the Son of God by the Jews
(c) The
Apostle Paul did not and could not hate the Jews for he himself was a Jew
(d) The
Jews were the chosen people of God and recipients of seven vital blessings from
(i) The
Covenants (The Ways and Works of God are governed by them)(Romans 9: 4-5)
The Temple (The Presence of God)
Law (written with the fingers of God)
The Shekinah Glory (Pillar of Cloud and Fire)
The Patriachs
(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David)
The Prophets (As God’s Spokemen)
Above all Jesus (God’s greatest gift to Man)
Romans 9
The Grace of God
Operating in Predestination (Election)
1: The
Apostle Paul does not write in anger against the Jews, but in love for them and
was prepared to sacrifice his all for their sake (vs1-3)
(a) The
Ministry of Jesus
(i) to the Jews – Mark 7:27
(ii) of the old covenant – Matthew 5:17
(b) Predestination
according to human logic appears to be unfairness on the part of God (Does God
practise favouritism?)
Romans 9 suggests that Predestination is actually the Grace of God in operation
among the Jews under Old Covenant- God’s grace in predestination (election)
upon the descendants of Abraham (i.e. Isaac and Jacob) even before they were
born. (vs11)
Note: Abraham was the first man to be called a Hebrew (Gen 14:13) , i.e.
the first Jew
2: Two examples of The Grace of God
in predestination (election)
(a) Isaac and Ishmael (both sons of Abraham)
Ishmael – born to Hagar (Egyptian
slave woman), (Gen 16:4),
Abraham’s son of
the flesh
Isaac – born to Sarah (Abraham’s
wife), (Gen 21:1-2),
Abraham’s son of
Promise (vs7,8)
(b) Esau and Jacob
Esau was the older twin (vs12,13)
“hated”- a relative term which
means to love less ( Jewish NT)
3: The tension of God hardening the heart of Pharaoh
vs18 cf Exodus 10:1
The hardening of Pharaoh ‘s heart not only benefited those whom Pharaoh
intended to harm (i.e. the Jews) but ultimately worked to the advantage of the
Jews and their deliverance from Egypt.
God used Pharaoh’s hardness of heart in order to demonstrate his glory
vs17 cf Exodus 9:16
effect of Pharaoh’s hostility to the Jews accomplished the opposite of its intent , for it resulted in the liberation
of the Jews . (Romans 11:33 )
4: Closing Thoughts in Conclusion
(a) Romans 9 distinguishes between the Jewish nation (Israel) and the
individual Jewish believer in Christ
vs 6&7 , Romans 10:12,13;
i.e. “Gentile and Jewish believers
in Christ (under the same dispensation) are both saved under the New Covenant
in Christ”
Under the New covenant, the Spirit
of the law (forgiveness , reconciliation through the death of Jesus can overcome
the letter of the law which
brings death and condemnation
“….a new covenant , not in a written code but in the spirit, for the
written code kills but the spirit gives life” (2 Cor 3:6)
(c) The Old Covenant bleeds into the
New Covenant because it also emphasizes the circumcision of the heart
(d) The
key and climax for both Jew and Gentile is :
Regeneration when
God changes the heart ,
quickens the spiritual life
instils in us a Passion for Jesus
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