Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Introduction to Gospel of John by Dr.Thomas Chung dated 28.4.13

Introduction to Gospel of John by Dr.Thomas Chung dated 28.4.13
The Gospel of John opened our eyes to see the suffering of Jesus. There are three areas in his Gospel that changed lives :
a) Instruction in Jesus’s teaching
b) His inspirations to us
c) His impartation to us
High Priestly Prayer of Jesus
The High Priestly prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17 summed up what He wanted to say to His followers. Jesus poured our His heart to us. In the last 2000 years the Gospel of John has been the most precious Book for 1) It feeds the mind 2) feeds the heart and soul and brings peace to us. 3) It opens the door to Jesus’ mind. John’s Gospel is unique it took messages from the three other Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke and deepened them so that we can see things that cannot be seen by our eyes. It is like opening the doors to the mysteries of God. John had special relation with Jesus.
Events in Jesus’ Life Recorded in John’s Gospel 
Some events in Jesus’ life was recorded only in John’s Gospel and not the other Gospels. John wanted us to understand Jesus’ life
1. Turning water into wine in Cana in John chapter 2. Essentially Christianity is the message of transformation like turning water into wine.
2. John Chapter 3 where Jesus told Nicodemus that one must be born again before any one can see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus could not understand because he was thinking humanly. He did not think spiritually. One needed to be born from above, or born anew.
3. John Chapter 4, Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well. Spring of water leaping out giving eternal life. When you become a Christian you are like a fountain flowing with living water.
4. John Chapter 11, Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus spoke to Martha about eternal life.
5. John Chapter 13, Jesus washed the feets of His disciples.
6. The woman caught in adultery which was not recorded in the other Gospels. Dr. Chung suggested what Jesus wrote on the sand twice. The first time He wrote “adultery” and the second time He cancelled the word “adultery”. Jesus did not condemn the woman.

Chapters 14, 15, 16 are about the Holy Spirit. Jesus used parabolic saying like 1) “I am the true life” 2) “I am the bread of life” 3) “I am the true vine” 4) “I am the resurrection and life” 5) “I am the good shepherd”. The early church fathers said John saw the light if Jesus as window of eternity. Jesus the person of God, truth of God, way of God and life of God. John was special to Jesus. Before Jesus died on the Cross He entrusted His mother to John. The Gospel of John is also known as Gospel of the Holy Spirit. We study John for a) the spiritual dept b) the unique way Jesus spoke to individual c) John 20:30 that the Gospel written so we may believe.

In chapter 13 the story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet spoke about:
1. The divinity of God
2. Loyalty to His brothers
3. His humility.
 Jesus washed His disciples’ feet so we must also wash each other’s feet. In spiritual sense it is the symbol of humility and servant hood.
Galations 6:2 carry each others burdens. Hebrews 10:24-25 meet and to encourage one another.

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