Monday, 20 May 2013

What consumes my life? by Ho King Swee dated 19.5.2013

What Consumes My Life? By Ho King Swee dated 19.5.13
This sermon is based on John chapter 2. The alternate title to this sermon is also “Am I jealous for my Lord God?”
There are two main themes to John chapter 2:
 a) Jesus turned water to wine. John 2:1-11
 b) Jesus cleansed the temple John 2:12-25
The Gospel of John is different from the Synoptic Gospel as it revealed in more details who Jesus is. By the time this Gospel was written around 98AD, many people including Gentiles have believed in Jesus and there were a lot of false teaching too.
Two folds purpose of the Gospel of John: 
These two purposes are found in John 20:30. 
1. You may believe that Jesus is Christ Son of God.
 2. That believing you may have life in his name.
Do we do whatever Jesus had told us to do?
 John 2:5 Jesus’ mother told the servants to follow whatever Jesus told them to do. Similarly we have to do whatever Jesus told us to do.

Deuteronomy 16:16 the Jews were instructed to appeared before God three times a year:
a) Feast of Unleavened Bread
b) Feast of Pentecost
 c) Feast of Tabernacle

Luke 2:40-42 it was written in Luke that Jesus’ parent to Jerusalem every year during the Feast of Passover. The Jews from all near by nations obeyed God and they went to Jerusalem yearly to worship God. Act 2:5 during Pentecost people heard their own languages spoken while they gathered in Jerusalem. People from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Egypt, etc heard their languages spoken.

Jesus cleansed the temple John 2:12-25
Isaiah 56:7 people went to the temple to pray. God said He made the temple as a house of prayer for all people. Their sacrifices will be acceptable to God. This was the sacrificial system that enabled the people to meet with God.
John 2:17 also said the temple was for "Zeal for thy house will consume me." That means people must have zeal for God so that this zeal consumed them. Similarly in Psalm 69:9 and Psalm 119:139 these two verses spoke about the zeal that consumed the people.
The questions for us are:
Where is the temple now?
 Where is God’s dwelling place now?
1 Corinthians 3:16 said “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?”
Are we also the house of prayer? Revelation 5:8 the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb, holding harp, bowls full of incense and these were prayers of Saints. Revelation 8.2,3,4 spoken about offers for prayers by the Saints.
The questions to us are :
What consumes me?
What am I jealous for?

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