Dr. Thomas Chung advised that John Chapter 6 is the longest chapter in the Book of John with 70 verses. Jesus began His sermon from verse 41 to 70.
3 Sections to this Chapter :
1. Vs 1- 14 – feeding of the multitudes ( Also in Gospel of Matthew and Mark )
2. Vs 16-24 – The disciples battled the storm at the Sea of Galilee ( Also in Gospel of Matthew and Mark)
3. Vs 25-70 – Jesus’ sermon on “Jesus the bread of life”.
In this chapter we noted that i) there was misunderstanding among the people ii) there were disputes and iii) it ended with many of His disciples leaving Him and never coming back.
The feeding of the multitudes and the disciples battling the storm attracted the crowds. Why was this so ? Why did the people “chasing” after Jesus? Because the people were attracted by the distribution of free bread and fish. These foods drew the crowds. Vs 24 the crows got into the boats to pursue Jesus.
The foods are not the ends themselves. We look for foods that endured, the eternal life. Foods from heaven that is Words of God is more important. Jesus spoke about spiritual foods and not physical foods.
We can contrast this with the disciples leaving Him later. It seem like people were fickle minded. At one time they pursued Him and at another they abandoned Him. Jesus asked the 12 disciples whether they also wanted to leave. But they were smart and decided to stay.
5 Things that give us better understanding in this chapter :
1. Eating His fresh and drinking His blood symbolically. That is taking Him into us. John 1:12
2. You abide in me I abide in you – when we abide in Him He is in us
3. Evidence of Jesus taken into my life, flowing of living water. Only after the flowing in of Jesus into our lives can we out flow the likeness of Christ.
4. The act of Holy Communion – receiving the body and blood of Jesus as symbolized by the bread and wine. In the Holy Communion, it is the movement from physical to spiritual aspects of Jesus into us.
5. Many of the disciples pursuing Jesus were offended by His messages. Do not be offended by physical aspects of life but instead look at spiritual things.
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