Introduction – Bro. Prem’s Testimony
Before Bro. Song shared his message he invited his guest Bro.Prem the National Director of Prison Ministry Malaysia to share his testimony of his recent adventure to Sarawak. Bro. Prem is based in Kota Kinabalu and he took this long public holiday to drive from Kota Kinabalu to visit all his ministry workers in Sarawak. He started driving his four wheels drive together with his wife from Kota Kinabalu with stops in various towns. He is a careful person as far as his car is concerned, so he checked to make sure his four wheels drive was in tip top condition before leaving. As he approached Balai Ringgin, he felt a little spin in his head and before he realized it, his four wheel had skipped and overturned once and landed on the side of the car. He was still strapped onto his seat belt and so was his wife. He was shocked but found himself alright and he asked his wife how was she. She replied that she was alright. Bro Prem had to climb out of his smashed car from the side widow. Broken glasses were everywhere. Other than some scratches on his arm he was fine. His wife was unhurt. Bro. Prem realized that his car was a total wreckage but he and his wife were fine. He knew it was a miracle. God had spared him and his wife’s lives. Bro.Prem gave glory and praises to God for this miracle.
Background of the Jews in Old Testament times
Married men in those times had higher status than married women. In fact, married women were not allowed to do a lot of things unlike nowadays. They were forbidden to talk to men including their husbands and male relatives outside of their homes. The men were also forbidden to talk to women outside their homes. If a married man found that his wife was a “little friendly” with a man, he had the right to divorce her. This was the scenario of the Jewish families of those times.
The Samaritan Woman
The Samaritans originated from the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. They were the remnants of Israel. They were despised by the Jews and look down upon. Such was the scenario in the Old Testament time. Just image Jesus talking to a Samaritan. Even worse case, he spoke to a Samaritan woman who had five husbands.
Despite the negatives aspects of the Samaritans, Jesus did not despise them. In fact, Jesus spoke to a low member of their people, a divorced woman who had five husbands. God is gracious and He can speak to anyone. In John 3:16 God gave His one and only Son to us, in John 3:17 God said He does not condemn anyone.
Jesus the Living Water
Jesus said He is the living water. If you do not believe in God, you are condemned. Jesus did not condemned the Samaritan woman despite her many sins, Jesus accepted her.
The Samaritan woman was given a new heart, Bro. Song likened it to a heart transplant. Indeed, it was just that because she had a change of heart after she knew and accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Why was this so? Once she knew who Jesus was she left her precious jars and headed immediately into town to inform the villagers that she has found the Messiah that they had been looking for. Bro. Song reckoned that she must be singing “I am forever grateful” while heading into town. The Samaritan woman was changed because she accepted Jesus as her Savior. She had faith in God. She was totally changed.
The Questions for us to ponder
1. Is God pleased with you?
2. Have you received the Living Water?
3. Has your heart been transplanted?
4. Has God given you a new heart?
Bro. Song testified that after he was converted he was different, he used to sing this song, “Things are different now”. We should encouraged one another like sharing of testimonies which some of our members did this Sunday.
Praise God and All Glory to God!
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