Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Test of Love by Rev. Dr. King Long She dated 23rd June 2013

Brief Information of Rev. Dr. King Long She
Rev. She graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a PHD.  His specialty is on the Book of Hebrews.  He has done extensive research on this Book during his studies and he has written books on subjects in the Book of Hebrew.  Currently he is a lecturer at Melbourne Theological School, Melbourne, Australia.

The congregation started to read Genesis 22:1-19.  Brothers read the even number verses, and Sisters read the odd number verses.
Everyone will be given the “test of love”.  What is this test of love?  Rev. She advised that if we do not remember his sermon, we must remember this statement: 

“God will give every believer the test of love to confirm that you love Him”.  This question is very important to all believers.  Love is a verb and it occurred in the Old Testament more than 200 times.  In Genesis love was mentioned for the very first time in the Bible.  Love is related to the Great commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. Matthew 22:37.

7 Components of the Test of Love
1.       Tester – In the story of Job, you will find that he loved God very much and he worshiped Him everyday.  God blessed Job with riches that he was known as one of the richest men in the Old Testament.  Satan said certainly Job loved God because God had blessed him very much.  Satan asked God to take everything away from him.  God agreed but Satan must not take his life. So Job’s children died, his crops and livestock all wiped out.  He suffered sickness and boils all over his body, and yet he still love God.  He prevailed the test by Satan.  Once God gives a test there are two results, failure or success.  God is perfect, and if He wants you to be 100% you have too obey.
2.       Time – In Genesis 22 why was God testing Abraham at that time? God gave Abraham and Sarah a blessing of a son Isaac even though they were very old.  They knew Isaac was from God because old people were not supposed to be able to reproduce.  Yet, God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his only son.  Love always requires sacrifice.  God always give you the best.  If you are not sure wait.  The timing is in God’s control. 
3.       Target – God’s test always has a target.  God does not want to test a non believer.  Therefore, we the believers will receive tests from God from time to time.
4.       Tasks – What is the tasks?  Or What are the requirements? The task for Abraham was in Genesis 22:2 God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son whom he loves.  This verse is a command.  But how can love ne a command?   In Deuteronomy 6:5 it was written as a commandment so that we can understand it.  In Philippians 4 God commanded us to rejoice.  Are we rejoicing in the Lord?  Obeying and loving God are on the different sides of one coin.
5.       Trials – Every test is a trial.  Nobody like tests.  Rev. She related how his students always asked him about the exams before they sign up courses for the following semester.  The test of love trial is unique to each person.  In Hebrew 11:19 the author stated that Abraham expected Isaac to be resurrected even if he sacrificed him to God.  By faith Abraham carried out his duties as instructed by God, he was not depressed by the fact that he was instructed by God to sacrifice his beloved son.
6.       Turnout- tests have turnouts, the time to pronounce the decisions.  In Genesis 22:11 indicated Abraham excitedly answering God.  God was also excited, He said, “Now I know that you fear God….”  What is the meaning?  God knows everything.  Rev. She advised that God had factual knowledge, and in the case of Abraham’s sacrifice of his son, God has experiential knowledge.  This was also the reason why Jesus had to become a human to experience what a human went through in the physical live.
7.       Telesis- meaning the fruits.  Why does God want me to go through these troubles?  Two angels speaking at different times.  Gen 22:13 – the ram caught in the thicket was a present blessing to meet present needs.  Gen 22:15-17- The second angel spoke and told Abraham of the eternal oath, the blessing that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and sand on the seashore.

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