Monday, 23 December 2013

John Chapter 21 by Gan Tuan Boon dated 22.12.13

The Lord’s Call On Peter’s Life From Fisherman to Shepherd by Gan Tuan Boon dated 22.12.13
Bro Gan’s sermon is based on John Chapter 21.  He began by recounting the Crucifixion and Jesus’ raising from the dead.  After He was raised from the dead He had a transformed body that was able to pass through physical matters.
John 21:1-6
The disciples went out fishing but the whole night they caught nothing.  Jesus said throw your nets on the right side. (at that time they did not know that was Jesus) and to their surprise they caught a net full of fishes.  Bro. Gan shared that the lesson is that we have to listen carefully to our Lord Jesus and follow His commands.
John 21:7
Why was it that John knew the man calling out was Jesus?  When they were in the boat it was dime and about 100 meters away from shore.  Bro. Gan shared probably there were two reasons a) catching those fishes were a miracle, in normal circumstance they caught nothing the whole night b) John was the closest disciple to Jesus and he was very familiar with His voice.
John 21:7-8
When Peter heard it was the Lord on the shore, he wrapped himself with his outer garment before jumping in to the sea to reach shore.  Peter was full of respect for his master and it was not appropriate to appear before Jesus in his undergarment.
John 21:9b
Jesus had a fire on, some fishes and bread.  It was not written how Jesus had those fishes and bread.  However, we knew that from two loaves and two fishes He had fed 5,000 people, so that got to be a miracle. 
John 21:15-17
Jesus asked Peter three times whether he loved Him.  Jesus was reinstating and commissioning Peter.  The first Peter answered in affirmative, Jesus said, “Feed my lambs”, the second, “Take care of my sheep”, and the third He said, “Feed my sheep”.  During the Last Supper Peter vowed he will not deny Jesus but when Jesus was arrested by the Jewish leaders, Peter denied Jesus three times.  Therefore Jesus commanded Peter three times to be the shepherd of His flock.

The lesson to us is just like Peter, what is God’s call on our lives?

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