Monday, 9 December 2013

John Chapter 19 Last Hour of Jesus’ Life by Dr.Tiong Tung Hui dated 11.12.13

Dr. Tiong started his sharing by playing a video featuring John chapter 19.
John wrote this letter as eyewitness to the events that unfolded.
John 1:9
“Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”.  This is life changing.  Although much of the world do not acknowledged Jesus but after He came He changed the whole world.
John 19:1-18
The suffering of Jesus
As we read, the Romans inflicted terrible suffering on Jesus as they whipped Him until He bled.  The whip had metal tips so that as it hit Jesus the whip tore His flesh.  Yet Jesus did not commit any crime.
Pilate Dilemma
Pilate did not find any wrong with Jesus to justify crucifying Him.  He wanted to release Jesus, but he was also afraid of the Jews.  He was afraid they will start a riot.  Dr. Tiong shared that from source outside the Bible it was said that Pilate’s wife had a dream and she advised Pilate to stay clear of the Jews and not to provoke them.  Basically he wanted to ensure his own status was protected.
Jewish Leaders
To the Jews Jesus claimed to be God and that was blasphemy worthy of death.
The Jews had no authority to crucify Jesus and they needed Pilate’s help to authorised to crucify Jesus.
The Jews also threatened Pilate that if he let Jesus go he was no friend of Caesar.
What we can learn from Pilate?
When we are put into pressure we should do what is right.
Vs 9-11 despite the chaos Jesus was in control.  He told Pilate God had given him the power and it was not from himself.
John 19:17-42
Jesus’ crucifixion
Crucifixion was a terrible and painful way to die.  Despite Jesus’ innocent He was put to death in this terrible manner.
Pilate’s Proclamation
Pilate had no choice he acceded to the pressure of the Jews, and he allowed Jesus to be crucified.
The Four Women
a)       Jesus’ mother
b)       Jesus’ mothers’ sister
c)       Mary
d)       Mary Magdalene
7 Statements of Jesus from the Cross
1.       Forgive them for they do not know what they did.
2.       Assured a prisoner that he will be in paradise with Him.
3.       Got John his disciple to take care of His mother.
4.       My Lord, My Lord why have you forsaken me?
5.       I am thirty
6.       It is finished
7.       Father unto your hands I commit my spirit.
Burial of Jesus
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus helped to bury Jesus at risk to themselves.
“It is finished” can mean it is fully paid, It is complete, it is fulfilled.
How shall we live?
We all need Jesus Christ.

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