Resurrection of Jesus was recorded by John so that we may believe. This was also proof that Jesus is the Christ.
The Resurrection can be said to be the greatest miracle.
- The empty tomb v. 1-9
- Jesus’ appearance V. 10-18
she was the first to discover the empty tomb. She has been behind the scenes
serving the Lord in His ministry.
b) To the disciples V. 19-29
3. John purpose of writing
the Gospel V. 30-31 – so that we may believe Jesus is theChrist.
Luke 24:1-6 ) John 20:8-9 described the other disciples witnessing the empty
appearance to Mary Magdalene who was the first person to see the risen Lord!
Mk 16:11, Luke 24:9-11 – the other disciples did not believe when they were
told. Mk 16:13 when the 2 disciples at Emmaus told them they also did not
believe. John 20:17 Jesus told Magdalene not to hold Him as He has no ascended
to His Father yet. Hebrew 9:24 descried
Christ entering heaven to appear before God.
b) Jesus’ appearance to the
disciples V 10-29
· Jesus entered the house while the door was closed because He
was spirit
· Peace be with you He said
· Showed them His hands and side as prove
· Breathed on then to receive the Holy Spirit
· Commissioned them
· Gave them authority
Doubting Thomas
– Mk 16:14, John 20:29
1 Cor 5:6 Jesus appeared to
more than 500 people to prove that He has risen from
the dead.
1 Cor 15:3 –
first importance Christ died for our sins. V.4 He was buried and raise
from the
Dead on the third day.
Why was Christ dead and
resurrection of first importance? This is the foundation of the Gospel.
Significance of Christ
Resurrection :
1. 1 Cor 15:12-34
2. Our preaching in vain V.14
3. Your faith is in vain
4. We are even found to be
misrepresenting God V.15
5. You are still in your sins
6. Those fallen asleep in
Christ have perished V.18
7. We are all men most to be
pitied V.19
Christ first fruit of resurrection 1
Cor 15:20, 23
Never listen to others who do not
believe in the death and resurrection ofJesus
Mat 28:15.
John's purpose of writing
the Gospel
V.30-31 so that we may believe Jesus is the Christ.
Are we like the disciples doubting that had been said
in the Bible especially regarding events not yet fulfilled?
Do you believe every word of God?
Grow to be matured and immovable in your faith in
Christ 1 Cor 15:58, John 8:31-32, Eph 4:13-14
Do not neglect to love and do good and pray together
Neb 10:24-25
Live to know Christ (life of holiness ) and power of
the Resurrection. Phil 3:10, Jn 3:2-3, 2Pet 3:10-14
Jesus had made this appointment with us!
Never let anyone or anything or the
Devil (defeated) to deter or stop us from missing this appointment of eternity!
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