Wednesday 20 November 2013

John Chapter 16 by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 11.11.13

Famous Last Words (John Chapter 16) by Dr. Thomas Chung dated 11.11.13
Before Jesus death and resurrection He prepared His disciples as He knew persecution will come.  Even now we can witness these persecutions in our world.  Jesus had made provisions in the Church through the Holy Spirit so that His work can be carried out until He returns in the Second coming.
The Holy Spirit work was written in John chapter 14, 15, 16.  Paul drew his teaching in 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians.  The Holy Spirit also works through us as we became the mouthpiece for God as written in John chapter 15, 16, and 17.  Jesus pointed this out to the disciples in chapter 16.
The Upper Room discourse began in chapter 13. “Discourse” is like a conversational style of teaching.  Jesus taught in this way.  In chapter 13 featured Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.  The washing of feet symbolized the ministry of Outer-man with spiritual significant. Chapter 14, 15, 16 dealt with the Inner-man.
What was the significant of washing of feet?
1.        It symbolized the washing away of sins.
2.       It symbolized servant-hood.  Christians are to serve one another.
Chapter 13 stated the meaning of staying spiritually clean.  If we have done wrong we are to repent and ask for forgiveness. 
The Inner-man
This is in chapter 14, 15, 16.  By now Judas has let and sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, the value of a slave.  It appeared that Judas did not receive Holy Communion which was about the Inner-man.  Chapter 8  described the essence of Jesus’ relationship with His Father.  8:28 described the divine nature of Jesus.  8:42  His divinity in person.  8:28  His divine authority, speaking as authority of the Holy Spirit.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Jesus ministers to us through the Holy Spirit.
1.       The Holy Spirit deputizes for Jesus because is going away.  Chapter 14, 15.
2.       The Holy Spirit is himself God. Chapter 15:26
3.       The world rejects the Holy Spirit
4.       He is here to stay
We are the witness of the Holy Spirit as we share the Gospel.
The Holy Spirits work in the individual and through the individual.
1.       Jesus is the Spirit of conviction.  Many in this world needed to be convicted.  This is how revival will come to us.
2.       Chapter 16:8, 9 – the greatest sin of man is disbelieved in Jesus.  The Spirit of Revelation, that is reveal in spiritual things. 
3.       The Spirit of prophesy ch 16:13.  Spiritual truth, the fore telling of an aspect of prophesy.  Rev 19:10 each time Jesus is witnessed the prophetic Spirit of Jesus is revealed.
4.       Spirit of manifestation of God that is glorifying Jesus. Ch 16:14.
5.       Spirit of ultimate victory, making all coming to pass.  Ch 16:33.  Jesus overcame the world.

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